Endzone - A World Apart Wiki
Endzone - A World Apart Wiki

Meat is a food type found in Endzone.


Roe Venison and Wild Boar Meat are produced at the Hunting Lodge, fish at the Fishing Hut and other kinds of Meat at the Pasture. Meat is eaten raw by the Settlers or can be processed at the Kitchen.

Roe Venison have the following stats when used in a Pasture: Maximum number pr pen  : 5 Animals Water demand per season: 30 / Animal Reproduction rate: 1.1 seasons Food pr kill: 240 Food

Average food production: 218 / Season

Wild Boar have the following stats when used in a Pasture: Maximum number pr pen  : 7 Animals Water demand per season: 20 / Animal Reproduction rate: 0.8 seasons Food pr kill: 160 Food

Average food production: 200 / Season

Goats have the following stats when used in a Pasture: Maximum number pr pen  : 7 Animals Water demand per season: 20 / Animal Reproduction rate: 0.9 seasons Food pr kill: 160 Food Milk production: 9 pr animal pr season Average food production: 177 / Season

Hare have the following stats when used in a Pasture: Maximum number pr pen  : 10 Animals Water demand per season: 15 / Animal Reproduction rate: 0.5 seasons Food pr kill: 100 Food

Average food production: 200 / Season

Buffalo have the following stats when used in a Pasture: Maximum number pr pen  : 5 Animals Water demand per season: 30 / Animal Reproduction rate: 1.4 seasons Food pr kill: 240 Food Milk: 16 pr animal pr season

Average food production: 172 / Season

Chicken have the following stats when used in a Pasture: Maximum number pr pen  : 10 Animals Water demand per season: 15 / Animal Reproduction rate: 0.6 seasons Food pr kill: 100 Food Egs:  ?????

Average food production: 167 / Season
